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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Domain Name System (DNS)

         The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most important components of Internet infrastructure. If DNS unavailable, you'll have difficulty finding resources on the Internet and, likewise, others will be unable to find you. That's because DNS is the phone book that translates names such as www.mysite.com to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses such as, and vice versa. DNS saves us from having to remember the IP addresses of all of our favorite sites, and it allows Web pages to link to others by name, not by IP address. Finding hosts by name allows IP addresses to change over time, allowing sites to grow, change location, or reconfigure. But, DNS does a whole lot more than just name-to-address mapping. Understanding the basic structure, function, and operations of DNS is an important foundation for all modern-day IT professionals.
        DNS is a hierarchical, distributed database with delegated authority. The "delegated authority" part means that you're responsible for providing a way for Internet users to loop up an IP address associated with your organization's domain. Many organizations let their ISPs manage DNS for them, but that's a risky proposition at best. A configuration mistake or failure at your ISP can make your company appear offline for at least a portion of the Internet. A political issue could cause you to lose control of your domain information. And, unless you're your ISPs largest customer, you have to wait in line with everyone else when you need to make a change to one of your DNS records.
        DNS holds the key to your existence on the Internet, which is why you want to control DNS for your domain. DNS is even more than that. DNS is an anti-phishing mechanism, it helps your organization to reject email spam, and it's a privacy mechanism that helps to hide your email internal network topology. Here are just a few ways DNS helps in these areas:
1. Anti-phishing: Imagine how quickly your personal information would be lost if your couldn't trust the identify of your online bookseller or bank. When DNS is working correctly, it helps you to reach the real site, not the imitation one run by an identify thief.
2. Anti-spam: Do you think that you get a lot of spam? You'd be getting a lot more if DNS weren't working for you. Your mail server can verify domain names on incoming email messages, helping to weed out spam. New DNS mechanisms, including Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or DomainKeys (DKIM), identify who is allowed to send mail on behalf of a domain so you can reject email from imposters. Real-time blacklists (RBL) let your mail server quickly check to see whether a sender is a knwown spammer or a known infected machine. RBL such as www.spamhaus.org use DNS as a lightweight query-response mechanism for checking the addresses of email senders.
3. Privacy: DNS reveals to external clients only what you want the public to see about your network. Likewise, it lets internal users and servers see whatever is appropriate for them to see. DNS helps you mask addresses by giving them different names depending on whether they're accessed from the inside or outside of your network, helping to increase your network security.

The three main components of a DNS system are:
- Domain Name Space: defines the overall naming structure of the Internet
- Name Server: maintains a portion of the domain name spaces, resolve lookups, and maintains a cache
- Domain Name Resolution: maps a domain name to an IP address

Domain Name Space
           The domain name space defines the overall naming structure of the Internet.
The name space is consists of a tree structure of domain names, with a root domain at the top. Immediately below the root domain are the major domains such as .com, .net, and .org. From these domains, the name space can branch into multiple pathsm with each intersection point called a node and labeled with a simple name.

           DNS processes a domain name from right to left, with the highest-level node represented at the far right, and the lowest level node at the far left. The node labels are separated by dots (examples: google.com).
The domain name of any node in the tree is the sequence of node labels leading from that node all the way up to the root domain. The top-level node (appearing farthest to the right) identifies the geography or purpose (examples: .com, .uk). The second-level node (appearing second from the right) identifies a unique place within the top-level domain.
Domain names can contain up to 255 characters consisting of: characters A to Z, 0 to 9, and/or "-"; 63 characters per node; and up to 127 node levels. To ensure that each node is uniquely identified, DNS requires that sibling nodes - nodes that are "children" of the same "parents" - be uniquely named. For example, these "absolute" names are unique:

As shown in the following diagram, the name space tree is sub-divided into zones. A zone consists of a group of linked nodes served by an authoritative DNS name server (the final authority in providing information about a set of domains).

          A zone contains domain names starting at a particular point in the tree ("Start Of Authority") to the end node or to a point in the tree where another host has authority for the names.
For example, the top-level .gov domain has the subdomains wa.gov, tx.gov, co.gov for the states Washington, Texas and Colorado. The .gov zone file contains pointers to the sources of data for tx.fov, co.gov and wa.gov.
Similarly, if the wa.gov domain delegated authority for dol.co.gov to the information system section of the Washington State Department of Licensing, the zone file for wa.gov only contains a pointer to the data source for dol.wa.gov.

          Each node in the tree has one or more resource records (RR), which hold information about the domain name (for instance, the IP address of www.google.com)
RR can store a large variety of information about a domain: IP address, name server, mail exchanger, alias, hostname, geo-location, service discovery, certificates and arbitrary text.
RR contain information such as:
a) Start-of-Authority (SOA) Record
When a zone file indicates to a querying server that this is the authoritative record for this domain, it says to the query, "You have arrived". The SOA contains the following data fields:
- Serial Number: indicates number of changes to the zone file. The number increases as the file is updated.
- Refresh: tells the name server how often to check to update its data
- Retry: tells server when to return if it is unable to refresh data
- Expire: tells how long the data can site bfore it is too old to be valid
- Time to Live: tells other servers how long to cache the data they have downloaded

b) Name Server (NS) Record
An NS record is a record that indicates which computer is to be used to retrive information about the domain name space for a particular domain name. A Host Name Server contains information about "your" computer and supplies IP addresses that are associated with it.

c) Mail eXchange (MX) Record
MX records specify the mail server address for the domain name. This record allows email addressed to a specific domain to be delivered to the mail server that is responsible for it. The mail server is a host address. There can be a number of mail servers associated with a MX record. Each server has a priority set for mail receipt.

d) Address (A) Record
This record tells the name server the correct IP address for the domain. The name server that is authoritative for the domain contains all the information necessary to resolve this name.

e) Canonical (C-NAME) Record
C-Name records provide name-to-name-to-IP address mapping for any domain name aliasing. The difference between CNAME and A records is that the CNAME resolves to another domain name that then resolve to an IP address.

Name Servers
Name servers generally store complete information about a zone. There are two types of name servers: primary and secondary. Every zone must have its data stored on both a primary and a secondary name server.

Primary Name Servers
Primary name servers hold "authoritative" information about set of domains, as well as cached data about domains previously requested from other servers.
Each name server stores a portion of the overall name space (a zone file), and can contact other name servers to lookup names outside its name space. The name server listens for DNS queries,  and if the queried name is in the local zone data or cache, responds immediately with an answer. If the name isn't in the local database or cache, the server uses its "resolver" to forward the query to other authoritative name servers.
If domain data changes, the primary name server is responsible for incrementing the Serial Number field in the SOA record in order to signal the change to secondary name servers.

Secondary Name Servers
Secondary name servers can download a copy of zone information from a primary name server using a process called a "zone transfer". Zone transfers allow secondary name servers to download complete copies of zones. Secondary name servers perform "zone transfers" according to the Expire Time parameter in the SOA record.

Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
Over the last decade, the exponential increase in the number of hosts on the Internet eventually uncovered two drawbacks with the original DNS system.
First, changes to zone files would not take effect until the DNS server was stopped and restarted. Second, primary name servers could only update secondary servers through processes called zone transfers. Traditional full zone transfers are inefficient because they occur on a scheduled basis instead of occurring as changes are made. These full transfers also involve transfer of all the records in a zone regardless of how many are changed.
To address these problems, the IEFT defined Dynamic DNS (DDNS) protocol in RFC 2136, zone change notification in RFC 1996, and incremental transfers in RFC 1995. DDNS allows DHCP servers to send updates to primary DNS servers, removing the need for administrator intervention. Additionally, when a change is made on the primary server, a zone change notification is immediately send to the secondary servers, with only the changed records being transferred.

Full Zone Transfer Process
To perform a zone transfer, the secondary name server queries the primary name server to determine if any changes have been made to the zone. The query is based on data in the primary server's SOA record: the Serial Number, and the interval specified by the Minimum TTL value.
The secondary server downloads all RR even if there are only a few modified records. Primary and secondary name servers are typically out of synchronization by approximately one hour.

Incremental Zone Transfer Process
If the primary name server supports the notify and I incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR) protocol, then the primary name server can notify the secondary name server that a portion of its data has changed. After receiving the notify command, the secondary name server can request only the data has changed from the primary using the IXFR command.

Domain Name Resolution
Name servers are capable of retrieving data from both their domain name spaces and other name servers domain name spaces. This process is necessary to translate human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses.
When a name server acts as a "resolver", it maps a domain name, such as www.google.com, to an IP address that identifies the domain's hosted location. The resolver serves as a link between two computers: the one requesting a domain's IP address, and the one holding that information. The resolver returns the domain's IP address to the computer that requested the information.

Domain Name Resolution Process

In order to resolve the IP address of a domain name, a name server works on the domain name segment by segment, from highest-level domain appearing on the right, to lowest-level domain on the left. The resolver usually has to query several servers that are authoritative for various portions of the domain name to find all the necessary information.
A name server begins a search by first checking its own name space. If the queried domain name is not part of its space, the name server then issues a query to a root name server.
The root name server returns the names and addresses of the top-level name servers ("referrals") that are authoritative for the top-level domain. Root name servers know where the authoritative name servers are for all the top-level domains.
Next, the top-level name servers can provide the list of name servers authoritative for the second-level domain. Each name server queried provides the further information about how to get "closer" to the location it is seeking.

Some resolvers can only communicate with a single name server. These simple resolvers rely on a recursing name server to perform the work of finding information of them.

One of the inherent abilities of DNS is the ability to store recently retrieved domain names, a process caleed "caching". This process is useful for speeding up the resolution process.
Each time a name server "learns" the authoritative name servers for a zone and the addresses of those servers, it can cache this information to help speed-up subsequent queries. Thus, the next time a resolver queries for the same domain name, the name server is able to respond immediately because the answer is stored in its cache.

Conclusion: A DNS system is a fundamental piece of the Internet framework.

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